Photo shoots and filming
Many people are interested in using the fairy-tale surroundings of the royal palaces and gardens for photo shoots and filming. We are very pleased to hear this. Please read our guidelines before you do any photo shoots or filming.
You do not need permission if:
• Your group comprises no more than 10 people.
• You do not cordon off any areas.
• You use hand-held equipment (except for a single tripod for a camera).
You need written permission if:
• Your group comprises more than 10 people.
• You are going to be using non-handheld equipment (lifts, rails, generators, screens, etc.).
• Your shoots require areas to be cordoned off, or for tents, marquees, tables, chairs, etc., to be set up.
Code of conduct
• Please ensure that photo shoots and filming are not offensive.
• Please ensure that photo shoots and filming do not disturb other visitors.
• Please show consideration for other visitors.
• Please respect the fact that not everyone wishes to be involved in photo shoots and filming.
• Please note that loud music is not permitted.
• Please ensure that tents, marquees and chairs are not to be set up without the relevant permission.
• Please comply with instructions from staff at all times.
Prices and special arrangements
6.250 DKK ex. taxes. for up to two Days
6.250 DKK ex. taxes for permission to fly with drone (only relevant under special circumstances as it is otherwise prohibited to fly drones in the royal parks).
In some instances, The Agency for Culture and Palaces (SLKS) may request photo shoots and filming to be supervised. For this, a fee will be charged.
What you need to do
Please e-mail The Agency for Culture and Palaces at slotshave@slks.dk, if you need a permit for your photo shoots or filming.
They will do their best to meet the requirements of event organisers for photo shoots and filming. There are no set rules on what you can use the royal venues for.
You should therefore send a description of your event and indicate how you wish to use the venue.
The Agency for Culture and Palaces will then look at what is possible and give you expert advice to ensure that what we can offer matches your requirements as closely as possible.
Attach the following information in your inquiry:
- Full Name
- Phone number
- Purpose of the project
- Description of the project
- Date, duration and if possible a time schedule
- Number of people involved
- Description of the photo equipment you will bring
- A marked map of where you wish to have your photo shoot.